
Using Glass for Your Home Renovations

January 27, 2010 The Amateurs Digest 0

If you are renovating your bathroom, choosing frameless glass showerscreens is one way to add value simply and quickly. Glass can also be used in other rooms. Kitchen glass splashbacks are now very popular as they too have several benefits.

The bathroom project experts at have come up with 4 benefits you will find with glass shower screens: Here they are –

  • Often a bathroom is enhanced by a feature wall of special tiles, but this can be spoiled by a solid shower screen protruding across the area. When you walk into the bathroom you want that feature wall to be highly visible. If part of it is concealed by the shower screen the effect will be spoiled. Frameless glass will allow the full effect to be enjoyed.
  • Glass is a product that will never go out of fashion, so your bathroom will not ‘date’ over the years.
  • Glass shower screens make a small area look bigger as they allow the eye to travel to the full extent of the room, rather than being blocked by a lump of tile jutting out or even a shower curtain, both of which break visual flow. And if you are lucky enough to have a large area your bathroom will look absolutely stunning.
  • Glass is durable and easy to clean – with no frame it is even easier.

Considering the amount of cleaning that must be done in the house, knowing that the bathroom will be one of the easier rooms to clean is sure to please anyone.



Advantages of Equipment to Hire for Your Home Renovation

May 28, 2009 The Amateurs Digest 0

Many larger home renovations need the kind of tools that the home handyman may not have stashed away in the garage. They are both too costly to buy and take up too much room to store. Purchasing them outright would add considerably to the cost of renovation, especially if they were never used again. This is where equipment hire can save you.

If you are adding a deck, verandah or room, or building a gazebo or carport on a block that has sloping ground you will need to level it first unless you want to use piers to hold the floor. Otherwise, an excavator will be needed to do the work of removing all the soil and putting it somewhere else useful, such as building up a garden bed.

When you hire an excavator it will most likely also be necessary to hire the operator. There is a lot of difference in just driving the equipment and operating it properly to do the job required. Luckily, most hire companies also provide operators when needed. This saves you a steep learning curve and the many potential problems inherent in not being able to handle the equipment properly due to lack of experience.

Dingos, skid steer loaders and augers are all the types of equipment that you may need when doing a renovation on your home. Augers are particularly good for when you need to fence the block or the drive. You can dig many postholes in an hour of working with the auger and still feel fresh enough to play with the kids in the evening. If you were to dig them with a crowbar and shovel it would take all day, give you a bad back and blister your hands.
