5 Ways To Ensure Your Soil Stays Healthy
For any landscape design or garden, the health of the grass, flowers, bushes, and shrubs within them rely on many things, but perhaps more than anything, it is the soil they are planted in. Regardless of how large or small any landscaping project you are undertaking is, one thing they have in common in order to exist is to be located on soil that is healthy and can provide plants living in it with nutrients.
Property maintenance and landscaping experts told us having healthy soil is something that some landscape designers and gardeners overlook as they become preoccupied with deciding what features to include and what the layout is going to be. Whilst each of them, and the many other elements of a landscaping project are important, they are but nothing if the soil underneath is lifeless and worse, toxic.
One point to note is that healthy soil is about more than just what all the plants are going to be rooted in, important though it may be. In addition, soil has other important roles which include, drainage, the prevention of erosion, and they are also the base that support features within a landscape design such as walls, pathways, and decking.
As you can see the success of any landscape design is very much reliant on the soil, so the next step is to discover how exactly we can ensure that the soil underneath is the healthy soil that we need and stays that way. Here are 5 ways that can be achieved.