Battling Shade: What Plants will Thrive in Your Shady Yard
Many homeowners see the shady portions of their property as a nuisance. How on earth are you supposed to get anything to grow? While it can take some serious brainstorming with your landscape design company during the design process, you will quickly discover that shade can be a blessing rather than a curse.
You should think about how effortlessly plants prosper in woodland environments. Any shady area in your property should be able to do the same. Identify the nutrient content you require, add organic matter, then choose moisture and shade-loving plants that will adore their new environment. Here are a few of the many plants that will likely thrive.
Never Never Plants
If you’re tired of the dark, doom, and gloom of your shady yard, then it could be time to invest in a never never plant. Also known as grey star, it’s a plant that prefers shade, but can also handle sunshine.
They add vibrancy and brightness to any shady area and also require minimal maintenance. Never say never to a never never plant. (more…)